Happy Endings!

July 16th, 2009

So due to some MORE technical difficulties, i wasn’t able to upload my podcast or any of my awesome pictures on my blog. But i do have to some closing remarks about this week.
As we rode the bus to our final formal event, I watched the spit drip from the mouths of my unconciously exhausted fellow correspondents. And in that moment, I had never felt more love, pride, and excitement because that spit was falling from the faces of this nation’s future leaders. When I looked around the bus, I did not see the unsure and apprehensive students that arrived on George Mason University’s campus five days ago. Instead I saw the faces of passionate and eager young adults about to embark on 184 different life journeys. I am certain that each of our ends will surely justify the means. This week of our summer which we have voluntarily sacrifed to be apart of this grand and educational program, has prepared us for whatever it may be that lies ahead. Whether we succeed in the professional world of journalism, politics, or even entertainment, the important factor is that we WILL succeed. With the youth and enthusiasm that fills our spirits, we are ready to take the world by storm. I can only hope that the world can handle the thunder. 

We came. We saw. And we definitely conquered. We conquered whaterever fears or misconceptions we may have had about the future. Because now, even though a part of may still remain unsure, we know that WJMC has made a difference.  And when we each return to our own little pieces of the world, I know that the experiences we’ve had and lessons we’ve learned will come along with us. And our hard work will not go unrewarded. If anything, this conference has taught me that anything is possible as long as you are willing to be the driving force behind your own dreams.

Great First Day!

July 16th, 2009

Okay so my flight arrived 2 and a half hours late. Sucks…i know. It took my awhile to get all caught up with the rest of the group. But when i did get here, the atmosphere and the energy and passion that i felt coming from each and every individual was astounding. I’m so excited to be here and so far i think i’ve met some pretty amazingly accomplished people that share that same ambitious nature that i’ve always had. Overrall this has been a Great First Day (hints the corny title of this post). And much appreciation to Brian Lamb for his enlightening and rather interactive speech deliverance. Not to mention the entire WJMC staff for getting us all here. Alright… well im pretty sure it was “lights out” about 30 minutes ago so Nighty Night!!! So Glad to be here with all of you.

Back in Action!

July 16th, 2009

Back in Action! Okay so i haven’t been able to really blog in the way that i would have like due to all of the technical difficulties. But i am trying to work with whatever i’ve got. I’ll be posting a video of myself interviewing a fellow National Correspondent. I’ll also be posting an adio podcast about a few of the things that i’ve learned this week.

Today was a really cool day to be a part of WJMC. The press conference with John Earnest was the most interactive and insightful event of the week. I  was amazed that this program could even arrange that kind of event. Not to mention the panel speeches led by some very young and successful media and journalism professionals. For me, Kevin McCarthy made and Kathy Orton made the biggest impact on my interest in journalism and media while at this conference.  And luckily i got both of their emails so that i can thank them for their encouraging words and ask for a bit more advice about how i can gain the level of success that i am looking for.

Fun Interview!!

July 16th, 2009

Hello world!

July 12th, 2009

Welcome to onMason. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!